The Benefits of Having an Interactive Business Website

Social Media Interaction

With the myriad of website and social media possibilities that surround us in this day and age, it can often be overwhelming to decide where to invest your time and energy when it comes to promoting your business’s website and brand. Social media has provided a wonderful way to interact with prospective customers and clients over the past several years. Utilizing social media can create a relationship with these prospective clients by engaging them through areas of common interest on a website where they feel comfortable and at home. People are likely to comment on or “like” a humorous status or post on Facebook or Twitter since those are websites they frequent daily. When you post something that they find interesting or useful, it makes them want to engage with it and, more importantly, your business. Things like a YouTube channel with videos full of helpful information that relates to your line of business, can help educate your potential customers and maybe even help them recognize the benefits of the services or products you offer.

Interaction from Educational Blogs

Blog posts on your website are another great way to engage your potential customers and clients. Having your website be a place where helpful information is easily obtainable will assist in creating more frequent page traffic. People will not just be coming to your website to look at your offered services and products. They will begin to see your webpage as a resource on your business’s area(s) of expertise. Also, blog posts, similar to Facebook and Twitter posts, encourage the reader to make a comment or ask a question that relates to the material being shared. These comments can lead to a dialogue with the webpage visitor that can, in turn, begin a relationship with them. These kinds of positive website interactions and experiences will make the visitor want to return at a later time to see what new information is available. This more frequent traffic can increase the likelihood of sales or the acquisition of new clients. Blog posts add diversity to your page that will help reach a broader range of potential customers.

Patriot ITmedia’s Interactive Website Design

Given our interest in social media and the traffic and interaction it provides for our clients, we are always looking for new ways to improve communication between you and your potential customers. We are currently working on a new service that we will be offering sometime early this upcoming year which will allow customers to have a more direct line of communication with you and your business.

We will be offering clients the chance to add a “chat” capability to every page of their business’s website. As you can see here on our page, there is an orange button in the bottom right hand corner that says, “Click here to get help”. Clicking on this button opens up an instant messaging chat window where you can ask questions of a real, live person (no automated responses here!). This feature will provide instant customer service for your website visitors. Having this feature makes your website more interactive and user friendly, bringing the communication aspect of social media straight to your business’s site. If your website visitor is looking at a page where you have varying packages listed, they can simply click on that “chat” button in order to have their questions answered. It’s customer service that doesn’t feel pushy! The customer is coming to you and therefore feels like it is their choice to have interaction. If the customer has had their questions answered in a satisfactory manner, it is then easier to segue into offering to schedule an appointment for them so that they can talk or meet directly with a business employee. This open the door for them to explore further options with your business and have more questions answered.

We feel that this “chat” capability will not only lengthen the amount of time that a customer will spend on your website, but will also increase the quality of that time. It’s like adding a social media aspect directly to your business’s website. A pleasant website experience will insure the visitor’s desire to come back again, which will in turn increase the likelihood of sales and positive customer interactions and feedback! Let us know if you have interest in implementing this “chat” feature on your website so that we can send you more information on how to get started.