Recent Articles

Internet Ads That Are Worth the Cost and Why

August 15, 2016

For marketers everywhere, the question asked when considering advertising a website is, “how much can we afford to spend?” Marcus Andrews of Hubspot writes that this is the wrong question to ask. Instead, he says entrepreneurs should be asking, “for every dollar I spend, how much will I get back?” While this can seem immeasurable…

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Social Media Demographics You Should Probably Know About

August 8, 2016

Have you ever wondered the purpose and driving force for which each social media network is utilized? Whether LinkedIn is your main game, scrolling through Tumblr is your favorite pastime – or maybe you just use them all – most of us feel confident in one or more, assured that what we are posting will…

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What is Geo-Fencing and How Can Your Company Benefit From It?

July 18, 2016

Sometimes, push notifications can be annoying. They are so-named “push” for a reason, right? Push notifications are truly best utilized when they are sent in respect to a user’s location, promoting valid content at convenient times. An accurate and well-placed advertisement can go a long way; and push notifications do just that – not only in content, but in…

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How to Advertise on Social Media

July 5, 2016

Facebook. Twitter. Snapchat. Pinterest.   Vine. Periscope. Instagram. Tumblr. Storytelling is a huge part of what it means to be human. These networks are the contemporary platforms we use to tell others who we are. Today in 2016 we are experiencing a culture shift in how human beings interact, tell stories, and especially market. The new platform…

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Is Web Marketing Worth the Investment?

June 27, 2016

Owning a small business is no easy feat. If you grew up in a tourist town like I did, you come to understand this even just by simple observation. One spring day, you’re walking down main street and you suddenly notice a new shop. It has a newly painted rustic sign, contemporary interior, and an…

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Why Your Restaurant Needs Mobile Access

June 20, 2016

Did you know that an average American eats a commercially prepared meal four times a week? As a whole, that is roughly 18.2 meals per month eaten outside of the home. While most would agree that eating out is almost always more expensive than eating in, sometimes that trip to the pub down the street…

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How Participating in Your Local Community Can Help Your Business

May 19, 2015
2012 - Community - Elementary School

Business owners are always encouraged to get involved in the affairs of the local community in which they are operating. It is always important that your business is seen as a part of the community, making positive contribution to the people that you serve. These are the buyers that keep you in business and make…

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Best Business Advertising Strategies in 2015

February 4, 2015

Many business owners are asking themselves, “Where do I need to advertise in order to reach my target clientele?”. While there are a lot of options available, the answer is not so straightforward. There are a lot of variables that go into promoting your business and ROI should be at the top of that list.…

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