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3 Fail-Safe Ways to Get Your App Deleted

July 25, 2016

Smartphone users need only have apps on their device that provide them with specific resources, entertainment, or otherwise, value. If you don’t use it, lose it, right? Yet each time a mobile phone is purged of an unnecessary application, a service feature is abandoned that a developer very well may have spent months meticulously designing.…

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Is Web Marketing Worth the Investment?

June 27, 2016

Owning a small business is no easy feat. If you grew up in a tourist town like I did, you come to understand this even just by simple observation. One spring day, you’re walking down main street and you suddenly notice a new shop. It has a newly painted rustic sign, contemporary interior, and an…

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Why Your Restaurant Needs Mobile Access

June 20, 2016

Did you know that an average American eats a commercially prepared meal four times a week? As a whole, that is roughly 18.2 meals per month eaten outside of the home. While most would agree that eating out is almost always more expensive than eating in, sometimes that trip to the pub down the street…

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The Benefits of Having an Interactive Business Website

January 1, 2014

Social Media Interaction With the myriad of website and social media possibilities that surround us in this day and age, it can often be overwhelming to decide where to invest your time and energy when it comes to promoting your business’s website and brand. Social media has provided a wonderful way to interact with prospective…

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Design vs Functionality in Your Business Website

April 10, 2013

The debate of design vs functionality is highly important in the web design community, and open to much discussion. Ultimately it seems a balancing act between creating a visually impressive website without jeopardizing the usability is essential. If the website seems to be tricky to navigate then customers are likely to leave the site altogether,…

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