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Increase Restaurant Revenue With A Mobile App

April 9, 2020

Mobile Food Ordering Mobile food ordering is essential for any restaurant, coffee shop or hotel. With almost every restaurant in the USA only available to do take out or delivery due to COVID-19, many restaurants who didn’t already have an online ordering system in place are hurting financially.  While at the time it may have…

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Reality + = Augmented Reality

June 26, 2019

By the book                Augment:  to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense.                Reality:  the quality or state of being real.                Augmented Reality: an enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology…

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Two Common Problems WordPress Developers Face & Solutions

October 2, 2018

Two Common Problems WordPress Developers Face & Solutions Today, we are going to have a look at two common issues many web designers face and look at the best possible solutions… 1) 404 Error Page & 2) WordPress Browser Issues 404 Error Pages Imagine, you have a guest at your home and your wife asked…

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The Importance of a Mobile-Friendly Website

August 8, 2018

Ever since the dawn of mobile devices in 2007, web browsing has become revolutionized. Searching a topic, place, or question on a search engine was once something that was restricted only to a desktop computer or a laptop when connected to WiFi. Today, 68% of adult Americans have a smartphone, meaning that they have access…

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Patriot IT’s SEO Report

July 14, 2018

Patriot IT provides its clients and prospects with an incredible report that can help your business and web traffic GROW – and it sets us apart from our competition. We offer a service that essentially reviews your website to find ways to gain higher page rank positions, which gets you more targeted traffic. Our report…

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Why Your Restaurant Should Cater

November 28, 2017

Catering can be an extremely lucrative business. The variety of events, which often require a caterer, are diverse. From weddings to funerals, corporate events or graduations, finding a caterer often makes the top of the to-do list. As an established restaurant, adding catering to your provided services can benefit you in multiple ways. Catering gives…

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How Restaurants Can Utilize a Mobile App

January 23, 2017

Lately, Patriot IT has been focusing time and energy in developing mobile apps for local restaurants. While it is said that only 5 out of every 100 restaurants currently have one of their own, it is an idea that is quickly growing in popularity. It provides brand recognition and credibility. A local eatery can benefit in…

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Make 2017 A Year to Remember

January 9, 2017

Losing weight, getting in shape, diet changes – the New Year mantra differs very little from year to year. But “new year, new you” get’s just downright sad when the gym membership gets canceled and the revolutionary diet has already been squandered by week three. Transformation of self can take time – but if you…

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Small Businesses: Get Found on Google

October 24, 2016

Many mainstream celebrities over the years have said, “Never Google yourself.” But if you are a business owner, or work for an emerging company, or understand anything about marketing, you have probably spent a great deal of time trying to find yourself on ANY search engine. Google is a powerful and well-known name, and as…

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The Update that Could Affect Your Mobile App

October 10, 2016

THIS JUST IN – Your mobile application could be in danger of being exterminated from the App Store, according to an announcement from Apple last month. Don’t panic – if you keep up on regular updates, maintenance, marketing, and improving in accordance with reviews – this does not apply to you. On September 1st of…

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