Recent Articles

Carry-Out Orders Made More Efficient

August 31, 2017

Picture for a moment how much a to-go order can disrupt a lunch-rush. Tables are full, servers are scrambling – and all of the sudden, the phone rings. If you’re a restaurant owner, you might have heard about the possibility of getting an app for your business. Apps may seem like a “neat” invention for…

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How Restaurants Can Utilize a Mobile App

January 23, 2017

Lately, Patriot IT has been focusing time and energy in developing mobile apps for local restaurants. While it is said that only 5 out of every 100 restaurants currently have one of their own, it is an idea that is quickly growing in popularity. It provides brand recognition and credibility. A local eatery can benefit in…

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An Invitation: Patriot IT CEO Takes a Visit to Googleplex

March 25, 2016

It’s not everyday, or just anyone who can take a visit to one of the most prestigious tech campuses in the country; at least not back when founder and CEO of Patriot IT, Mike Marquardt, received a formal invitation to the Googleplex, global corporate headquarters for Google. Historically, Google never offered any kind of visit…

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4th of July Events Near You

July 2, 2014

If you are like many other busy individuals out there who haven’t nailed down some plans for this 4th of  July, don’t fret! If you live in or in the surrounding Liberty Lake area, you are in for a treat! First Launch This year, some new activities and events will be taking place in this…

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