Recent Articles

The Importance of a Mobile-Friendly Website

August 8, 2018

Ever since the dawn of mobile devices in 2007, web browsing has become revolutionized. Searching a topic, place, or question on a search engine was once something that was restricted only to a desktop computer or a laptop when connected to WiFi. Today, 68% of adult Americans have a smartphone, meaning that they have access…

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How to Write An Accurate Review

July 15, 2018

Recently, GrowIt has been focusing their attention on boosting revenue for local restaurants in the form of mobile apps. The apps are typically used for promotions, branding, and convenience for consumers. This helps restaurants to boost their credibility and adds a competitive edge to their services. What can tarnish a reputation for any business? A…

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Does Your Restaurant Lack Ambiance?

December 11, 2017

When searching for a place to grab lunch, eat with friends and family or go on a romantic date, the decision is more often than not based off of restaurant ambiance. If a restaurant is too dark, too bright, overly cramped, has too many menu options, which are difficult to read, it will interfere with…

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Why Your Restaurant Should Cater

November 28, 2017

Catering can be an extremely lucrative business. The variety of events, which often require a caterer, are diverse. From weddings to funerals, corporate events or graduations, finding a caterer often makes the top of the to-do list. As an established restaurant, adding catering to your provided services can benefit you in multiple ways. Catering gives…

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The Importance of Offering Menu Substitutions for All Diet Restrictions

November 19, 2017

Today, the number of vegan, vegetarian or gluten-free committed individuals is ever increasing. Studies coming out showing the negative effects of consuming meat and animal products on the body as well as the environment are always in circulation. That is why it is extremely important for the restaurant community to notice the ever-changing trends and…

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Carry-Out Orders Made More Efficient

August 31, 2017

Picture for a moment how much a to-go order can disrupt a lunch-rush. Tables are full, servers are scrambling – and all of the sudden, the phone rings. If you’re a restaurant owner, you might have heard about the possibility of getting an app for your business. Apps may seem like a “neat” invention for…

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Small Businesses: Get Found on Google

October 24, 2016

Many mainstream celebrities over the years have said, “Never Google yourself.” But if you are a business owner, or work for an emerging company, or understand anything about marketing, you have probably spent a great deal of time trying to find yourself on ANY search engine. Google is a powerful and well-known name, and as…

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The Update that Could Affect Your Mobile App

October 10, 2016

THIS JUST IN – Your mobile application could be in danger of being exterminated from the App Store, according to an announcement from Apple last month. Don’t panic – if you keep up on regular updates, maintenance, marketing, and improving in accordance with reviews – this does not apply to you. On September 1st of…

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Internet Ads That Are Worth the Cost and Why

August 15, 2016

For marketers everywhere, the question asked when considering advertising a website is, “how much can we afford to spend?” Marcus Andrews of Hubspot writes that this is the wrong question to ask. Instead, he says entrepreneurs should be asking, “for every dollar I spend, how much will I get back?” While this can seem immeasurable…

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Why Your Restaurant Needs Mobile Access

June 20, 2016

Did you know that an average American eats a commercially prepared meal four times a week? As a whole, that is roughly 18.2 meals per month eaten outside of the home. While most would agree that eating out is almost always more expensive than eating in, sometimes that trip to the pub down the street…

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