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Is Web Marketing Worth the Investment?

June 27, 2016

Owning a small business is no easy feat. If you grew up in a tourist town like I did, you come to understand this even just by simple observation. One spring day, you’re walking down main street and you suddenly notice a new shop. It has a newly painted rustic sign, contemporary interior, and an…

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Why Your Restaurant Needs Mobile Access

June 20, 2016

Did you know that an average American eats a commercially prepared meal four times a week? As a whole, that is roughly 18.2 meals per month eaten outside of the home. While most would agree that eating out is almost always more expensive than eating in, sometimes that trip to the pub down the street…

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Make Your Company Stand Out: Upgrading to a Mobile App

June 6, 2016

It is no secret that smartphones, tablets, and the like have begun to take over the United States. An iPhone or Android used to be a neat tool that few and the fortunate had and a hot commodity only some could afford. In less than a decade, there has been a complete turnaround in mobilization,…

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Why reinvent the wheel? How stock vectors and a good eye for design can drastically shorten production time.

September 20, 2015
sample of vector images for web designers

With the advent of modern display technologies, such as the Apple’s retina display, web designers are faced with the issue of having their images that were previously saved at a lower, usually 72ppi resolution, become distorted on such screens. To deal with this issue, we have to resort to vector graphics. Vector images, or scalable…

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