Recent Articles

Reaching a New Generation: How to Advertise on Snapchat

October 31, 2016

What IS Snapchat? Snapchat was created in October 2012 by a camera company called Snap Inc. It is a mobile social media application by which one can share pictures (or “snaps”) with friends and they disappear completely after a few seconds. By February 2013, the company exploded in popularity, reaching a net worth of $60 million…

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Small Businesses: Get Found on Google

October 24, 2016

Many mainstream celebrities over the years have said, “Never Google yourself.” But if you are a business owner, or work for an emerging company, or understand anything about marketing, you have probably spent a great deal of time trying to find yourself on ANY search engine. Google is a powerful and well-known name, and as…

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Smartphone Addiction is Real – But That Could Be Good News For Entrepreneurs

October 17, 2016

Here at Patriot IT, we emphasize the importance of entrepreneurs learning to utilize the power of social media in an efficient and professional way. The proper timing and presentation of content (not just content alone) is crucial to growing a business in this millennial age where everyone is looking down; and not up at billboards.…

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The Update that Could Affect Your Mobile App

October 10, 2016

THIS JUST IN – Your mobile application could be in danger of being exterminated from the App Store, according to an announcement from Apple last month. Don’t panic – if you keep up on regular updates, maintenance, marketing, and improving in accordance with reviews – this does not apply to you. On September 1st of…

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Have a Great Idea for an App? Here's What You Should Do…

October 3, 2016

When Apple released its first iPhone in 2007, few people knew what a “smartphone” even meant. A device with internet capabilities? Sure, that made sense. But applications available for download with endless possibilities, manufactured to accomplish tasks and find information we only knew previously via a web browser (and, for older generations, a library)? Revolutionary.…

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Marketing Your App

September 26, 2016

Unless it is a viral game (like Pokemon Go), or an everyday app much of the population uses (Facebook, Instagram), so much of iTunes and Google Play applications go unseen outside of the download pages. Mobile applications have transformed society in a many ways, which can spark a healthy competition between small businesses to build…

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How do Facebook Ads Even Work?

August 27, 2016

You may have heard that Facebook ads are capable of having a high return-on-investment value. While this can be true, many are unaware of the science behind how Facebook has the ability to deliberately and strategically grab the attention of its users. For example, have you ever scrolled through your news feed, refreshed the page,…

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Why and How You Should Use eCommerce

August 22, 2016

This is a day in age where society opens up a laptop, and not a phone book, when they need to buy or find something. If you have a store and products that you are proud of, then you have probably considered developing an online store or installing an eCommerce plugin to your pre-existing site.…

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Internet Ads That Are Worth the Cost and Why

August 15, 2016

For marketers everywhere, the question asked when considering advertising a website is, “how much can we afford to spend?” Marcus Andrews of Hubspot writes that this is the wrong question to ask. Instead, he says entrepreneurs should be asking, “for every dollar I spend, how much will I get back?” While this can seem immeasurable…

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Social Media Demographics You Should Probably Know About

August 8, 2016

Have you ever wondered the purpose and driving force for which each social media network is utilized? Whether LinkedIn is your main game, scrolling through Tumblr is your favorite pastime – or maybe you just use them all – most of us feel confident in one or more, assured that what we are posting will…

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