Recent Articles

Is It Time To Update Your Website?

August 1, 2016

Like many world-renowned giants, many of the largest corporations we see in 2016 had small, humble beginnings. Today, you may see your business in a similar light, dreaming of a bigger tomorrow. So, you try to go cheap on as many things as your can. Trying to take off with a free website that a friend or family member offered…

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3 Fail-Safe Ways to Get Your App Deleted

July 25, 2016

Smartphone users need only have apps on their device that provide them with specific resources, entertainment, or otherwise, value. If you don’t use it, lose it, right? Yet each time a mobile phone is purged of an unnecessary application, a service feature is abandoned that a developer very well may have spent months meticulously designing.…

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What is Geo-Fencing and How Can Your Company Benefit From It?

July 18, 2016

Sometimes, push notifications can be annoying. They are so-named “push” for a reason, right? Push notifications are truly best utilized when they are sent in respect to a user’s location, promoting valid content at convenient times. An accurate and well-placed advertisement can go a long way; and push notifications do just that – not only in content, but in…

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Words of Wisdom from Successful Entrepreneurs

July 11, 2016

The most well-known and successful entrepreneurs all began the same way: they had an idea, and they did absolutely anything it took to see it through. They are inspirations in human form showing us all the rewards of never giving up and overcoming opposition. But let’s face it, no matter what your goal is – we are all,…

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Is Web Marketing Worth the Investment?

June 27, 2016

Owning a small business is no easy feat. If you grew up in a tourist town like I did, you come to understand this even just by simple observation. One spring day, you’re walking down main street and you suddenly notice a new shop. It has a newly painted rustic sign, contemporary interior, and an…

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Why Your Restaurant Needs Mobile Access

June 20, 2016

Did you know that an average American eats a commercially prepared meal four times a week? As a whole, that is roughly 18.2 meals per month eaten outside of the home. While most would agree that eating out is almost always more expensive than eating in, sometimes that trip to the pub down the street…

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Make Your Company Stand Out: Upgrading to a Mobile App

June 6, 2016

It is no secret that smartphones, tablets, and the like have begun to take over the United States. An iPhone or Android used to be a neat tool that few and the fortunate had and a hot commodity only some could afford. In less than a decade, there has been a complete turnaround in mobilization,…

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A Definitive Guide to Google Penalties – What Business Owners Need To Know

August 19, 2015
Avoid Google penalties

Google penalties have become feared by many online marketers over the years. Google is working overtime to improve the quality of the results given to any specific search query. In doing so, they have eliminated a lot of poorly built websites and websites that are of little worth to consumers. Now, the Google spam team…

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What Is SEO and Why Does My Business Need It?

July 8, 2015
What is SEO According to Google

SEO is an acronym meaning – Search Engine Optimization. In other words – positioning a website or web page so that it will be found when someone searches using keywords that are most relevant to the content found on that site or page. As a business owner, YOU NEED SEO IF: 1) You want more…

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How People Search for Businesses

January 28, 2015
viewing web sites on a tablet

Online search plays a crucial role in today’s local business success. Businesses that are well positioned in the search engine results pages, or SERPs,  for the various search engine’s such as Google, Bing and Yahoo will benefit the most as they have increased visibility, more brand exposure and an opportunity to sell their products or…

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