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Phonebook Advertising is Dead: Why Online Marketing is the Best Option for Local Businesses

January 16, 2015
phone book

Businesses With the expansion of internet advertising in the past few years, the phonebook has become a dying product. However, the creation of the search engine has surpassed the phonebook in all of those categories. The internet is now a much more popular medium for advertisement of businesses of all sizes. Even local business owners…

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Ways To Be Successful In Your Online Business

January 9, 2014

Consider the following points on ways to be successful in your online business. [dropcap]1.[/dropcap] You’ll need to set goals to achieve and have a vision of your company’s future. Your business goals should be clearly stated; otherwise you will lack guidance in what to work towards. These goals will guide your actions in your everyday…

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The Benefits of Having an Interactive Business Website

January 1, 2014

Social Media Interaction With the myriad of website and social media possibilities that surround us in this day and age, it can often be overwhelming to decide where to invest your time and energy when it comes to promoting your business’s website and brand. Social media has provided a wonderful way to interact with prospective…

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Is Your Business Website Attracting New Customers and Driving Sales?

April 15, 2013

Does your local business have a strong online presence? If you’re a small business with most of your clients being local, there’s a chance that you haven’t thought much about your business website. After all, the majority of your customers live right nearby. Perhaps they stop into your business on their drive home to make…

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Important Tips in SEO For Your Website

March 25, 2013

Whether your company is large or small, you must have a web presence that works for your business. Commanding a powerful presence on the World Wide Web has become a table stake. A company’s web design details and web presence has replaced a wide array of communication vehicles. Nowadays customers, suppliers, and even potential investors…

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