Domain Name Management

What are the rules for names?

Names cannot be more than 67 characters long, including the dot(.), and the extensions, (.com, .org, and .net). Letters, numbers, and the dash(-) are all acceptable, but you can’t begin or end the name with the dash. DotBiz and DotInfo domains cannot be less than 3 characters in length (excluding the extension).

Can I do multiple registrations?

Yes, but at this time, you must fill out a form for each name. However, if you are registering the same name with different extensions, you can do up to five at one time. In the near future, we will be streamlining the process so that you can do as many as you need. Please check back for future developments.

How do I renew my domain?

Renewing your domain name is simple. First you must log into the domain management system using your domain name and your domain password. You will then see the option to renew. Fill out the renewal form and submit it. You can renew your domain for up to ten years. So, for example, if your domain registration still has two years until expiration you will be able to renew it for at most eight years. The sum of years after the renewal cannot be more than ten years.

Transferring my domain?

Transferring your domain name is simple. Click on the “Domain Transfer” link on the left side of this page. Inside of this page you will enter any domains to be transferred to our Registrar. Domains ending in .org .info and .biz require a verification code that can be obtained from the current registrar. All other extensions will be sent a verification email that must be returned. A transfer is a registrar change only and comes with a one year extension to the domain expiration date.

What is a name server?

A name server is a computer that can be accessed from the world wide web. Name Servers are identified by numerical addresses (example: Your domain/website must be kept on a name server so that the rest of the world can find your webpage. You should check with your ISP or web-hosting company for the name and address of their name servers.

I am having problems with name servers. Help?


  • Second level domain =>
  • Third level domain =>

Important points:

  • Only the current registrar of the second level domain can create/modify a related hostname.Example: If ‘’ is registered with Network Solutions Incorporated, only NSI can add the hostname ‘’ to the system. AWRegistry (and all other registrars) do not have the ability to add this hostname.
  • Only one hostname can be associated with an IP address at a given time.Example: You try to change the IP address associated with ‘’ from ‘’ to ‘’. The change fails. The problem was either 1) ‘’ is associated with another hostname (like ‘’) or 2) the registrar you are attempting this modification through is not the registrar for ‘’.

What is an “NIC” Handle?

If you have ever registered a domain name in the past, you may have been assigned or ‘given’ an Contact “handle” or “ID” (i.e. MG123-AWR). This way, you would not have to ‘re-fill’ the information each time you submitted a request for a new domain name. If this is the first time that you are submitting a request, you will not have a handle to use. However, if you submit a request, you will be assigned or given a ‘handle’ that you can use to simplify future registrations.

What is”whois privacy”?

Customers can now choose whether or not they want to display their whois information publicly. The Privacy Whois Service will allow customer to hide the current whois information associated with a domain from public whois services. With accordance of the registration agreement and in the interests of ICANN, the whois information may be obtained per requester at our convenience.

What is “parking”?

If you have not decided where your site will be hosted or if you have not created your site yet you will want to “Park” it. “Parking” is setting up a temporary hosting place for your domain name.

What is “domain email forwarding”?

If available to your domain, you are able to use the URL/Email forwarding service to forward the domain name to an existing web site and forward all emails coming to the domain to an existing email account.

For example you can forward to the url of In this case when is entered into the web browser the browser will be redirected to the ICANN web site. (You may choose to mask the url as well, this will cause the domain entered in the browser to appear in the browser url field).

Forwarding of emails will act in this way. will be forwarded to the email address specified in the entered filed. (There are not separate email accounts for the forwarded domain, the service acts as a catchall for the emails).

What is “domain locking”?

To improve domain security we have implemented a locking feature allowing you to lock/unlock your domain(s). The status field to the left of the domains option page likely shows either “UN-LOCKED” or “LOCKED”. If your domain is in the “LOCKED” status it is significantly less vulnerable to unauthorized transfers. NOTE: .info .biz and .org extensions do not need to be locked.

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