Patriot IT is committed to the safety and well-being of our employees and helping our customers to do the same. We are closely following the steady stream of updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the impact this pandemic is having on the economy and businesses like yours. Our thoughts are first and foremost with all individuals impacted, and the medical professionals dedicated to the care of those affected.

In response to the nationwide lockdown orders, and multiple mask mandates, we have decided to create a documentary based upon the science, findings and recommendations of over 10,000 board certified doctors and virologists, and back everything up with CDC reports and data, now that we’re many months into this ordeal.

We believe some of the media have exploited this outbreak and are unnecessarily causing panic and stress, rather than offering a common-sense approach, proven treatments, information, and professional advice to keeping everyone safe. In short, we are listening to the opinion of the CDC, medical professionals, and doctors while ignoring Journalists and those who have an agenda.

Here is our documentary, which can be found on Rumble:

The Truth and Lies About COVID-19

Here is a link to the movie Plandemic:


Please do not hesitate to contact us at 888-333-7778 should you have any questions or concerns. We are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST to serve you.

Most Respectfully,

Mike Marquardt

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